Savage Bear Podcast
Savage Bear Podcast is an Australian actual play tabletop RPG podcast, navigating through Delta Green, Pathfinder Adventure Paths and Pathfinder Society scenarios using the Pathfinder 2nd Edition game system.
Currently Playing: Pathfinder Society Scenario: #4-10: Arclord's Abode
Check out our second channel Savage Bear Oddities for our more paranormal and occult themed investigations.
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Savage Bear Podcast
What's in the Box!? - Paranoia: Part 2
We're back with the second installment of Paranoia's introductory one shot [YOUR SECURITY CLEARANCE IS NOT HIGH ENOUGH FOR THE TITLE OF THIS ADVENTURE] on our new show, "What's in the Box!?"
Our players are really starting to experience the frustration of Paranoia, as every move they make is at the mercy of "Friend Computer," and there's a very fine line between where the GM ends and Friend Computer begins!
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